Thursday, 15 October 2015

Anti-Poverty Week in Kindergarten

Welcome back to school! It was lovely to see the children all happy to be back with their friends with lots of stories to share about exciting holiday adventures. 

This week was Anti-Poverty Week, and to acknowledge this, the Kindergarten students undertook some experiences to develop their awareness of poverty in the world. Firstly we looked at all the wonderful toys and equipment we have in our classroom and then compared them to some photos of classrooms in the Central African Republic of Chad. We certainly appreciated how lucky we are to have so many luxuries.

Next, we explored how some people have to walk a very long distance to get water, which at times is often not very clean. We compared this to how fortunate we are to have unlimited access to clean water from a tap. To develop a better understanding of what this was like, we took some empty buckets on a very long scenic walk around the College until we eventually found a water source where we could gather our own water. The Kindergarten children then had to lug the very heavy and very full buckets all the way back to the classroom! There were a few complaints about how hard it was but there was definitely an element of appreciation to put the buckets down.

Back in class, the students were told that they would not be having any recess, lunch, or any other food for the rest of the day except for a small bowl of plain rice. The children were horrified at the thought! After a prayer of thanks to God for all the wonderful things we have, the children were permitted to enjoy the remainder of their meals for the day with a greater appreciation for what they have. It was heartwarming to hear the students reflect on their learning experiences and hopefully they will continue to think twice before complaining about “first world problems”. 

Mrs Tucker
Kindergarten H Teacher
15 October 2015

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