Sunday, 23 August 2015

Live Life to the Full

Year Three

The Year Three children have had a busy week preparing for their Liturgy on the gift of life. They did an amazing job practising their lines and sung beautifully even without the words, due a technical difficulty! The children prepared a lovely reflection on how we can all live life to full but unfortunately their posters were not able to be displayed. I have included them here so you can see them.

We have now also designed our animals for the HCC Zoo that we are creating during LIFE Week, we have some very creative children in Year 3! The animals must fit one classification and be able to survive in the habitat chosen. The students are now constructing a report on their animal to display on their enclosure. We are looking forward to having lots of visitors through the zoo at 11am on Friday!

Miss Henderson
Year Three Teacher

Year One

Can you believe we are nearly half way through the term?
During Mathematics this fortnight we have been taking a chance! The students have investigated certain and impossible events. Ashni stated it would be impossible for a pig to fly and Eve said it would be impossible for her drink bottle to walk to her. We have made predictions and discussed the chances of pulling different coloured balls out of bags.

During writing we have jumped through hoops to create meaningful sentences. The students began with an adjective, followed on with a noun, stated a verb and finally completed their sentence with a where or when statement. We've had a lot of giggles making silly sentences.

Throughout PAThS this fortnight we have explored types of behaviours. We have discussed rude and polite manners we have witnessed. The students and I discussed appropriate times for demonstrating certain behaviours and shared examples of times they have used their manners. We read a story about a girl called Mandy and shared how she demonstrated a range of behaviours throughout her day.

We have been fortunate to have a new student in our class, we welcome Zac and his family to Holy Cross College.

We are looking forward to all the fun ahead for LIFE week!  

Ms Behiels
Year One Teacher

Kindergarten H

The children have been continuing to have lots of fun learning through play! In Religious Education we have been exploring how things grow and change. The children brought in baby photos and we had lots of fun trying to guess who was who when they were just a little bub. We explored how God has given us many gifts and talents and learned that while we couldn't do much as a baby, we can do so much more as we grow and get older. We even wondered about about our futures and had a dress up as a worker day. In our Big Ideas work, we have been exploring how we can care for others. We have spoken about sharing with our friends and treating others with kindness. We have discussed the importance of helping to look after the beautiful world which God has given us, with a big focus on making sure we pick up any rubbish we see laying around our playground. We cannot wait for all our exciting LIFE week adventures next week!
Mrs Tucker
Kindergarten H Teacher

21 August 2015

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