Friday, 1 May 2015

Learning through play


It was so wonderful to see all of the children happy and excited to be back at school last week. We welcomed some new friends into our class and it was great to see everyone settling into the routine of Pre-Kindergarten.

Our exploration of minibeasts proved to be a hit, as the children tried to figure out how to get frozen plastic minibeasts out of ice. They loved feeling the cold ice and experimenting with warm water and various pourers, containers, and spray bottles to rescue the creepy crawlies. Some fantastic oral language emerged as the children observed and talked about the minibeasts and shared their prior knowledge. The next few weeks will see us continue our exploration of minibeasts and we will then move on to other living creatures that God has created.

A parent roster had been displayed on the door, which consists of fruit cutting, play dough making, and being a parent helper in the classroom. If you are able to give some of your time in any of these areas that would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure the children can't wait to have some more adults in the room to explore and play with, especially since they seem even more inquisitive and interactive this term.

Mrs Dorota Fretwell
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher

Kindergarten C

We have been having so much fun learning through play in Kindergarten. Last week we made box houses, painted handprints and created honeybees and honeycomb. This week we have investigated insects, melted ice and role-played Indians. Special events have included our cross country running and a visit from Sharon from the Ellenbrook library. All of us are excited about our special Mother's Day morning next Wednesday.
We love Kindergarten!

Mrs Jo Borg
Kindergarten Teacher 


Welcome back!
The students have settled back into the class routine with ease and an eager attitude to learn. I am extremely impressed to see some students starting to independently write sentences. The children have also been putting in a great effort to listen carefully and be involved in class conversations and activities. I invite parents to celebrate the learning that is happening daily in Pre-Primary.

Our class is buzzing with excitement about Mrs Doherty’s pregnancy, so much so that this has prompted us to have a hospital play space. The doctors and nurses have been busy taking temperatures, bandaging sore arms and operating in the theatre. We have been wondering and learning about our human bodies. Very soon we are going to see ultrasound pictures of Mrs Doherty's baby and                                                                                compare how much we change and grow over time. 
Miss Emma Pritchard
Pre-Primary Teacher

Year Two

I would like to thank the Year Two students for keeping the class going during my absence at the end of last term. It was fantastic to see all of their smiling faces and enthusiastic greetings on the first day back.

We have started our term running with lots of different activities. Firstly, congratulations to all of the student leaders who were presented with their badges and award winners who received certificates at our assembly last week. Also, congratulations to the students for their participation in the Cross Country Carnival. GO MCCORMACK!!!

Last week also saw us learn about the ANZAC spirit and it's meaning.  We investigated words around the day, read a story and watched a clip about the various symbols related to ANZAC day. Our learning culminated in the children respectfully participating in a moving ANZAC service. Following the ceremony they baked damper and ANZAC biscuits.  The children measured, mixed, kneaded and rolled to make some delicious food with our Year Three buddies. Thank you to the parents and Senior School students who came and helped us.  Without your assistance, activities like this don't happen.

This week we are looking at the text 'Where the Wild Things Are.'  The children are analysing the characters, identifying different parts of the text and then retelling the text through role play.  Our goal is to create a digital movie retelling the events of the story. In Maths we are starting investigations into money.  We are adding, sorting, grouping and problem solving to become familiar with our currency.

Mrs Orilee Ryan
Year Two Teacher

In Other News 

Please make note of the following events on the calendar which will be taking place over the coming weeks:

Wednesday, 6 May- Mother's Day Liturgy and breakfast commencing at 7:30am
Tuesday, 12 May- Kindergarten H hosting assembly in San Salvador (LRC) at 2:15pm
Friday, 15 May- Junior School Disco from 5:00-6:30pm

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