In Pre-Primary, the children may be little but their brain power is growing bigger all the time! They are now taking home reading books with sight words to learn and applying their knowledge at school. Everyday they are writing sentences and adding it to their Sight Word Wall.
The children have all jumped into the magical world of Australian author Mem Fox. So far they have learnt about Mem Fox’s biography and read her story ‘Koala Lou'. Each week the children will continue to learn about a different Mem Fox story.
The concept of Time, such as Days of the Week, Seasons and Months is being explored. The children have also been building on their addition skills by solving word problems; "Two girls found three boys to play with at the park. How many are there all together?"
I am delighted to report that we have a new addition to our Pre-Primary class, Ella. The Pre-Primary children continue to demonstrate their eagerness to learn and their kindness to each other.
Miss Pritchard
Class TeacherYear Two
What a HUGE week we have just had! We are learning lots of really cool things!
In Science we are discovering different life cycles. We have planted sunflower seeds and they are already germinating, which is extremely exciting! We are anxiously awaiting the hatching of our silkworm eggs so we can observe what will happen to them.
On Tuesday some of our parents participated in a workshop with the iPads. The video promises made will remind us of positive ways to use our devices. We then learnt about cyber safety and what we need to think about when we go online. We are making a 30 second presentation for the Year One and Pre-Primary students to teach them about cyber safety.
In Physical Education we have started a unit on dance with Mrs Davini. She is teaching us about all of the different exercises we can do. Who knew dance would be so tiring!
Mrs Ryan
Class Teacher
Mrs Ryan
Class Teacher
Coffee and Conversation Session
Thank you to the mums who attended the first of many Coffee and Conversations with the College Social Worker, Mrs Jo Betti on Friday 24 October. It was an informal morning spent getting to know a little more about each other and discussing ideas for future conversations. Please keep an eye on the Wellbeing Blog for updates and Parentingideas information.
Annual Celebration Evening
Junior School families are not required to attend the Celebration Evening, although are most welcome. Students who are receiving an award have been given a letter of invitation.
Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
26 October 2014
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