Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Year 10 Italian Excursion

On Thursday, 14 November the Year 10 Italian students visited the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle. They met Doctor Milena Vico from the Italian Faculty who presented them with an extraordinary lecture of Italian. Doctor Vico mostly talked with the students in Italian and she congratulated them for being very well prepared. The students had their first little experience of being at University and they enjoyed not only the lecture but also the tour of the campus.

After morning tea, which was provided by the University, we walked to the Italian Club of Fremantle w here many Italians meet regularly and play bocce, cards and tombola. The Italian community in Fremantle has always been very strong, influencing the life and culture of the town over the decades. Students had the opportunity to familiarise with Italian people at the Club, listening to their stories and sharing ideas and thoughts. The students had a wonderful and very interesting day and a big thank you to  Lara Marano,Hensy Patel, Stacie Braganza, Aleisha MacFarlane, Victoria Gearon and Paris Williamson for their excellent behaviour and participation. 

Signor Anna Amatulli 

Thank you for a wonderful excursion to the University of Notre Dame and to Dr Vico for informing us about the Italian courses we would learn if we choose to do the Italian course at the University. The course sounded really fun and I will definitely keep it in mind! Also thank you to the University staff who provided the delicious cup cakes and the awesome tour of the University. I extremely enjoyed walking around the campus and the information about being a student at the University of Notre Dame. (Hensy Patel)

Last Thursday the Year 10 Italian class went to Fremantle for a tour of the University of Notre Dame especially to learn about the Italian Faculty and to visit the Fremantle Italian Club. I really enjoyed the tour around the campus and we all learnt a lot about the University from this. The University looks totally different because of the calming atmosphere surrounding it. The keynotes that Doctor Vico showed us were also very interesting. She showed us some Italian history and what the Italian course has in it. Over all I enjoyed the day out in Fremantle and have started thinking about going to Notre Dame after I finish school. (Paris Williamson)

Thank-you for the opportunity to visit Fremantle -  it was a very good day and we all enjoyed learning about both Fremantle and the University and what it has to offer With the many offers that were explained to us it really made us consider what we will have to think about extremely soon. Thank you also to the Fremantle Italian Club for showing us around and telling us about the history of their Club. (Victoria Gearon)

Ciao, volevo dire grazie per avermi invitato al Notre Dame University. Mi è piaciuto avere la presentazione dal Doctor Vico, con un tour in giro per la Notre Dame University. Ho imparato molto di più sulle opportunità offerte a Notre Dame ed è stato davvero bello avere più informazioni sull'università. (Stacie Braganza)

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